News Media July 4, 2021
Texas Papers, Magazines, Radio and TV Stations.
Re: Texas Court System
Enclosed is a Complaint to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct on the currrent State Supreme Court Chief Justice, Nathan Hecht.
The complaint clearly outlines the misconduct by Nathan Hecht.
We are governed under two legal systems in Texas, one for you and I, and a second “optional one” for “them”. Up to this time, this concept was inherently known but unable to be confirmed thru constant obfiscation by the Texas Legal Industry and politicians who benefit from a secret society within the government. George Carlin astutely recognized this years ago with his statement ”It’s a big club and your not in it.”
It is now in black in white form and undeniable in a format that all Texans can understand and can not be distorted. People in this state are under the false illusion that they elect representatives, laws are passed in the best interest of the citizens, the governor efficiently over sees the implementation of the laws and the Judicial system equally defends the laws created. In some cases this is pure fantasy as the Texas Judicial system is selective on what “they” deem worthy of support based on their self interest. What is in the best interest of Texans and the creation of a fair efficient equitable system are “non-issues”
Based on my experience, the Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct only provides serious consideration to an issue which becomes “public”. Each of you have a clear black and white issue to present to your readers / viewers that expose the corrupt behavior of the Texas Legal system. If just one or two of you report this incident and misconduct, Nathan Hecht will be disciplined. If three or four of you report this, Nathan Hecht will be suspended. If more than five investigate and report on this, Nathan Hecht will be removed. This will send shock waves through the entire Texas Legal Industry. The State Legislature will be forced to audit the entire Judicial Branch.
By the time each of you receive this, the State Commission on Judical Conduct will quickly assess it a real issue and then they will sit back and wait for your response. If there is no public reaction, this case will be summarily dismissed as a non issue in 12 months. At this time, your profession has complete control on the future of the current Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice and the format of the future Texas Judicial system.
The removal of Nathan Hecht will be seen as a turning point in how Texas laws are implemented and administered . It will bring Texas out from the 1890’s and into the 21 st century. While I am sure he is the nicest politician in the World, Nathan Hecht has neither the technical ability or apptitude to lead the Texas legal system into the 21 st Century. Ironically, his removal will instantly trigger this transformation to the tremendous benefit of all Texans.
This will instigate a complete audit of all the laws on the books, cleaning them up and coordinating them to reduce the huge amount of time wasted by attorneys in and out of the courtroom trying to determine what is applicable law. The Texas Legislature will instigate a program to implement AI [artificial Intelligence] to constantly scan the laws on the books for conflicts and inconsistencies. It will become an indispensable tool for Attorneys, Judges, and individual citizens to evaluate their individual case to refine their arguments, discard unsupportable case, quickly come to an amicable settlements and provide instant feed back to the State Legislaure on what they need to fix and / or update. It will also potentially reduce the amount of graft in the Texas Courts, especially in the Dallas Probate Court Cess pool.
The complaint provides a brief synopsis of our family’s plight through the corruption and cover. While native Texans, we are “nobodies” in Texas. I am confident that your investigation just into this one issue will expose many more and that people will come out of the wood work with examples worse than ours.
Through divine intervention several years ago, I was able to obtain the domain name of “ While it is operative, it is in a fledgling stage but, will be expanded and filled with information to document our family’s journey thru both the Texas and Federal Government Legal systems. I am certain it will be developed into a Movie or mini series which will provide great insight, and entertainment to all.
With the complaint filed, I am certain that Nathan Hecht will magically approve and publish a set of Wills, and Trusts on the Supreme Court Web site within a matter of weeks. Pressure from your industry will encourage the Legislature to peer review whatever Mr Hecht “slaps up” to cover his ass..
The stars have lined up where you have the opportunity to truly reform an entire institution in Texas and elevate the Legal industry back into a “Profession” to be respected by all. There are many Judges and Attorneys who will silently applaud what you will do and they will stand tall and proud knowing that a dark cloud has been removed and clarity and clear focus has now come over their profession.
I hope that you each of you recognize the opportunity you have. I am certain it will be a great read and capture the interest of all Texans… and the world.
Feel free to call me if you have any questions and good luck.
Thomas Kam
7621 Spicewood Springs Road
Austin, Texas 78759
cc: Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct