Honorable Senator / Honorable Represenatative
July 26, 2021
Ten Years ago my little sister and one of my Nephew correctly flagged the complete incompetence, ineptitude, and completely unprofessional conduct of a Dallas Probate Attorney, David Pyke. This individual trashed my Brother’s estate and wiped out my Father’s Estate. The Dallas Probate Court declared war on my sister and Nephew to punish them for exposing Pyke who is the poster child for “ Beyond Stupid”. It took 9 years and hundreds of thousand of dollars to have the State admit that my nephew and sister were correct, all along, in both estates.
A partial history of our family’s ordeal is included in the attached documents.
I knew very little about Texas Probate when all this started in 2011 but quickly discovered it to be extremely archaic, inefficient, and prone to Fraud. I worked with my representative at the time, Paul Workman, to create a Bill to have the State publish Standard Will, Trust, and Probate Forms on a website for families and individuals to use, identical in concept to the extremely successful Texas Real Estate Commission operation. While in Leg. counsel we discovered that the great Senfronia Thompson and the equally magnificant Judith Zaffirini had already presented an identical Bill. Paul and I dropped out effort and we suppoted SB-512 which required the Supreme Court of Texas to post the forms. This passed in May 2015, signed by the Governor in June 2015 and went into full effect on Sept 1, 2015. The worked required represents 2 to 3 weeks by a handful of smart people and the Forms could have been up on Sept 2, 2015.
After the Law passed, a group of Probate Attorneys approached Nathan Hecht and convinced to delay and effectly deep six the Bill. To date the forms are not posted and from a July 8 2021 email from the Court, Hecht does not have any future meeting scheduled to address the forms.
I have filed a complaint with the Texas Commission on Judicial Conduct on Hecht’s failure to follow the law which has effectively created a dual legal system in this State. The Conduct is indefensible / Hecht will be removed.
While many Texas Probate Attorneys have a real desire to maintain an honorable profession, the State Bar and many Probate Attorneys and Judges run the Probate Operation more similar to a criminal syndicate than a service to genuinely assist Texas Families. The alleged head of the Texas Probate Court system, Guy Herman is the nicest guy in the world but essentially retired from his responsibilities 20 years ago and could care less if the Probate System efficiently serves Texas Families.
The State needs to set up a Texas Probate Commission to;
A] Create, maintain, and constantly improve the Will, Trust, and Probate Forms along with education to Texas Families. As we have seen, the current Texas Legal Sytem can not be trusted to provide this service.
B] Test each individual running for a Texas Probate Judge position so that voters know how qualified the Judge is for the position. Many Probate Judges are elected by party affiliation and not be qualification.
C] Provide programs to educate all Texas Probate Judges and Attorneys on the Law and changes in the law. This would include an annual course on ethics.
D] Continually evaluate all Probate Laws and make recommendations to the Legislature. Evaluate developing Case Law and convert it to or override it by Statutory Law. This simple process will save hundreds of millions in legal and Court Costs for Families and the State.
E] Promote and provide Wills to poor Texas Families so that the maximum amount of wealth can be legally transferred in this income group. At this time a large precentage of the small value of these estates is evaporated in the current Texas Probate system.
F] With the Commission’s standards, the process becomes much simpler as a Judge only has to evaluate the “filled in blanks” as opposed to evaluating the entire document, line by line. The State will save millions every year from reduce court operating expenses.
I have only studied Probate Law and Probate Court operation and found it to be archaic, inefficient, unmanaged, and prone to fraud.
I strongly suspect that the remaining Legal system is just as screwed up and after the Probate Commission is set up and operational, each remaining segment of the legal system should also be independently reviewed.
An Audit will show the need for open hearings at the Bar on Attorney misconduct and open hearings in the Commission on Judicial Conduct for Judges.
Through our 10 year process, I quickly discovered that there are a least a “gillion” conflicts in Statutory and Case Law. The amount of time wasted in a courtroom and in legal documents is beyond comprehension. Not only is it a complete waste of State money, a complete waste of family / individual but, it is an utter waste of time and energy by a plethora of attorneys who are providing absolutely no benefit to society.
Having all Law evaluted will significantly reduce conflict, repetition, and immediately flag deficiencies, as well as gaps in the law.
The service will allow a plaintiff or defendant to quickly evaluate his / her case and streamline any plea and / or argument. This will quickly assist a Judge in getting the parties to focus their arguments and significantly reduce / court time and Appeals.
Nathan Hecht will be removed. His failure to implement SB 512 is politically indefensible. I am sure he is the nicest, most pleasant man on the earth but, any thought that would improve the legal system for Texas Families is not in his head. Hopefully this upcoming high profile event in the Texas Legal system will prompt the big improvements noted with the Creation of a Texas Probate Commission, A complete Audit of the Legal system, and the implementation of A.I..
I will be pleased to assist any Senator or Representative on the creation of any legislation to implement the proposed improvements.
I have created the website “” to document the court misconduct in our family’s case. By mid August I will have the attached documents uploaded on this site. All of this will be under “Hecht” on the site.
Thomas Kam
7621 Spicewood Springs Road
Austin, Texas 78759
cc: Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct